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The Smart Window, a connected PVC window!

The Smart Window, a connected PVC window!
The Smart Window, a connected PVC window!

Home automation systems are becoming increasingly popular. Buildings are becoming smart and windows are no strangers to this new development and modernisation. Proof of this is the Smart Window, which combines the traditional features of a PVC window and the features of a touchscreen.

A concentrate of technology

The principle is a simple one: the glass pane lets the light in but is fitted with a transparent LCD matrix and an integrated touchscreen. When the screen is activated, the window becomes multifunctional. The Smart Window’s glass surface can be used like a tablet or a computer, and therefore enables users to surf the Internet, watch films, change the luminosity and even make professional presentations. In short, it is a multifunctional and versatile product that could seduce both professionals and individuals while retaining all the benefits expected from a PVC window: letting light into the room, sound and thermal insulation, and security.

Turning dreams into a reality

Oknoplast, the Polish PVC window manufacturer who developed it and unveiled it at the last Fensterbau Frontale trade fair in Nuremberg, explained that it is the best possible screen as the glass pane eliminates the need for backlighting as required by “traditional” screens such as televisions, smart phones and tablets.

The innovation in itself is not a new one since Samsung had previously unveiled a touchscreen window at the CES in Las Vegas in 2012. However, it has still not reached the market all these years later. Nevertheless, this type of product could take off on the European market and it is only a matter of time before it becomes a hit!

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