The first chemically recycled plastic milk bottle

Lactel is the leading brand of drinking milk in France. For more than 50 years, the company has made many advances in its sector, particularly in terms of packaging. After launching the opaque plastic (HDPE) one-litre UHT bottle with a 100% recyclable resealable cap in the early 1990s, it became a forerunner in the organic market and in lactose-free products.
Responding to tomorrow's environmental requirements
Remaining faithful to its favourite material, it is now experimenting, in collaboration with Ineos, with the industrialisation of the first bottles produced by chemical recycling. Thanks to this "advanced" recycling technology, used HDPE plastic waste is converted into its original molecule and then transformed into new high-quality polymers, suitable for contact with foodstuffs and therefore suitable for the production of new circular HDPE plastic bottles. These new recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles are an alternative to traditional virgin HDPE bottles.
For the time being, 140,000 certified bottles will be produced at the Lactel plant in Montauban, France.
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