Transport & Mobility
Articles and Features
At a glance 1 min
Renault 5 E-TECH: the return of a 100% electric icon
During the latest Geneva Motor Show at the end of February 2024, French carmaker Renault unveiled its latest electric model, the new Renault 5 E-TECH. This small, 100% electric city car has a unique d...
At a glance 2 min
STRAILway polymer sleepers, a sustainable alternative solution
For many years now, the German company Kraiburg Strail GmbH & Co KG, a developer and manufacturer of railway solutions, has been designing and marketing polymer railway sleepers, a sustainable alterna...
At a glance 1 min
The Dot-Drops suitcase: repairable and durable
With an average lifespan of five years, the bin is the final destination for most suitcases. However, Dot-Drops — a leather goods brand from Alsace — seeks to change this by creating the first eco-sui...
At a glance 2 min
SeaBubbles flying boats: urban transportation with zero emissions
Zero waves, zero emissions, zero noise — that was Alain Thébault’s vision when he first invented the Sea Bubble back in 2017. This small electric water taxi is “somewhere between a car, a boat and a p...