An adventure in solidarity, for access to drinking water

With Sail for Water, three French cousins set off on their first round-the-world trip on a sailing boat with the aim of combating the lack of drinking water by distributing water filters to the most deprived populations.
It has been one year since François, Romain and Nicolas boarded the "Williwaw", their 12-metre long sailing boat. They set sail for Latin America, South-East Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa - the three regions most affected by unsafe water, in order to distribute a thousand filters that will help around 100,000 individuals.
The filters are the result of a collaboration between Arkema and Polymem. They contain an ultrafiltrative and hydrophilic polymer membrane which enables water to rapidly flow through its 0.1 micron pores (100 times smaller than a human hair), thus blocking all larger bodies in the water. They are extremely effective, as they eliminate 99.99999 % of the bacteria and protozoa responsible for waterborne diseases. They are also durable: a single filter can be used to purify 3,500,000 litres of water, which represents consumption over a period of five years for 100 people.
The filters are easy to assemble and use, and they can be fitted to any container. “The kit we are handing out contains all the components required for installing, using and maintaining the filter: a bucket, a filter, a tube, seals, a tool to cut a hole in the right size, and a plastic syringe to clean and maintain the filter “.
In 2010, the UN recognised access to drinking water as a basic human right. However, in 2015, 50% of the world's population continued to consume dangerous water on a daily basis, making water the leading cause of death on our planet, in particular among young children. Every year, around 1.5 million children do not reach the age of five.
Upon returning to France, the three youngsters intend to conduct an awareness-raising campaign on the topic of access to drinking water, make a documentary on the Sail for Water adventure, and publish a book in the form of a logbook containing the photographs taken during the trip. Above all, they plan to work on the future of their NGO, Sail for Water, and continue their mission to distribute filters around the world.
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