Moon Boot®, an iconic boot

On 29 July 1969, Giancarlo Zanatta, a young boot maker from Montebelluna, in Italy, and a member of the Italian family that founded Tecnica, had travelled to New York where he and millions of others witnessed the live broadcast of Man’s first steps on the moon. O course, he was overwhelmed and fascinated by this unique event, but his attention was drawn to the strange boots that the three astronauts wore to combat the lack of gravity. A lightbulb lit up in his mind and just one year later, a boot from among the stars, an innovative and revolutionary after-ski boot was created. Half yeti boot, half astronaut’s boot, the Moon Boot® launched by Tecnica had a pleasingly rounded shape and was as comfortable as it was cumbersome. With its thick, corrugated soles, its nylon body padded with polyurethane or polyester for comfort and its long, braided cord for inimitable lacing, it was extremely lightweight, waterproof, warm and very easy to put on. In addition to its entirely innovative appearance available in a wide range of colours, its unique concept set it apart: "a single shape for left/right foot and a single size to cover 4 shoe sizes".
Moon boot®, a worldwide success
Success came immediately and was considerable. This highly-resistant boot conquered the whole planet: over 25 million pairs sold throughout the world and, the ultimate accolade, it was selected to be showcased in the Louvre museum among the 100 most iconic object of the 20th century.
Although it fell slightly out of favour in the 1990s, the star of the after-ski made a strong come-back in the early 21st century, surfing on the wave of vintage fashion. Tecnica successfully adapted to the new trend and updated its flagship model. Now worn around town or in the mountains by fashion addicts, the Moon Boot® is available in a jeans version, with fur, varnished, in leather, with glitter, and more. Whether under Dior, Dolce & Gabbana or Chloe, it has become a mainstay of the most prestigious catwalks and celebrities cannot get enough of them.
A legendary boot that has kept up with trends
The Moon boot® conquered the asphalt without sacrificing any of its legendary comfort and sense of fun. New shapes, new colours, new materials, and more. However, the original version remains and will likely still remain the favourite of collectors, the nostalgic or a clientele focused on comfort, style and fantasy for a long time to come.