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Unique skateboards made from recovered plastic bottle caps

Unique skateboards made from recovered plastic bottle caps
Unique skateboards made from recovered plastic bottle caps

Jonathan Morrisson has combined his love of skateboarding and his environmental beliefs by creating skateboards made from recovered plastic bottle caps.

The idea behind recovering plastic waste and converting it into new objects is not revolutionary in and of itself. However, Jonathan’s wasteboards are special in that the bottle caps used to make the skateboards will remain visible, displaying each board’s DNA.

Giving value to plastic waste

To do this, he set up his own company which collects used plastic bottle caps at music festivals or from companies that fish them out of the canals in Amsterdam.

The bottle caps are not crushed. Instead, they are placed in skateboard-shaped presses and, much like a cake, are then put in the oven. The plastic melts but the colours remain, and three hours later emerges a unique skateboard made from 900 to a thousand bottle caps.

Mobile skateboard ovens

The skateboards are currently cooked in a hangar, but Wasteboard has hopes for the future and aims to create the world’s first mobile skateboard bakery by recovering used bottle caps at large musical events. The bakery could lead to offshoots or franchises while raising public awareness to the fact that value can be created from plastic waste.

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