First single-material pump for 100% recyclable packaging

The US-based Aptar company, a global leader in pharmaceutical and consumer goods packaging, appears to have taken the lead after unveiling a cosmetic pump for the beauty and personal care sectors made from a single material, polyethylene.
Future, a circular solution
The innovative and sustainable pump, christened “Future”, is the result of 2 years of design, engineering and testing within the R&D teams at Aptar. To achieve this, they made use of the principles of eco-design to design a product that is easy to recycle, unlike traditional pumps whose delivery system is based on a complex technology composed of various materials, including metal, which are not suitable for recycling streams. And it's no coincidence that they chose polyethylene as their sole material: it is currently the most commonly-used plastic for bottles and flasks, and the most - and best - recycled. Thus, the pump and its companion bottle - the entire packaging - can be easily recycled with the other PET and PE bottles and flasks, without prior handling and sorting, or any risk of disruption.
Sabine Bouillet-Lubot, Global Strategic Marketing Director, Aptar Beauty + Home explained: “Our ultimate goal was that the end consumer could take their body lotion, shampoo or shower gel with them and easily put the empty packaging in their recycling bin. This way it enters a circular life cycle and can be turned into another product”.
Future is certified by Cyclos-HTP, the Institute for Recyclability and Product Responsibility*. The innovation is also 'A' rated by RecyClass - a global cross-industry initiative that aims to establish a harmonised recycling approach and traceability in Europe*.
Aptar has stated that, due to its composition, Future could also be made from post-consumer resin (PCR), PE waste from the oceans, as well as from chemically-recycled PE.
Eco-design and cutting-edge innovation
Although eco-designed, Future is nevertheless a technologically-innovative and functional packaging, characterised by its advanced locking system and 360-degree rotating container. Partly intended for e-commerce, it was designed from the outset to be suited for and withstand sometimes difficult transport and distribution conditions.
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