At a glance 1 min

Lomo - The compact plastic camera that came in from the cold

Lomo - The compact plastic camera that came in from the cold
Lomo - The compact plastic camera that came in from the cold

In the era of ever-more sophisticated, foolproof digital photography - meet the Lomo …
Originating in the Soviet Union, it's an all plastic, lightweight, point-and-shoot, old-school film camera with no flash or zoom, which has given its name to an alternative art movement in the world of photography: Lomography.

The golden rules of Lomography include take your Lomo with you everywhere you go, snap anything and everything, shoot from the hip, be fast and don’t think, and have fun. Don’t worry if the images are blurry, underexposed, poorly framed or the colours over-saturated: these are the sort of defects that are the essence and charm of Lomography, and this is what it’s all about for Lomographers. The main thing is that pictures should be uninhibited, quirky, spontaneous and impulsive.
Lomography’s philosophy is "Don’t Think, Just Shoot". It’s a world and a culture away from the world of perfect digital snaps.

Lomography is a registered trademark for a range of different but exclusively plastic models: the LC-A, Diana, Holga, Action Sampler, Fisheye, Lomo Spinner 360 and more.

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