The call of the open sea... in kit form!

Paris, Milan and Basel were not mistaken: Thibault Penven, a student of Design at the Ecole Cantonale d'Art in Lausanne (ECAL), a great lover of the sea, showcased his Ar Vag project ("boat" in the Breton dialect) and made a splash in the world of design on board a small vessel that can be carried like a backpack and unfolded like a tent.
Look no further, boats, or rather, foldable boats, are this summer's must-have accessory!
The boat is assembled from rigid panels made of composite materials covered by a waterproof PVC envelope much like yellow waxed jackets. A frame and a transversal bench ensure the freshwater sailors' craft rigidity and stability. Based on the principle of tension, the boat can stand on its own once it has been fully unfolded. Its waterproof coating enables it to float.
It can be assembled in less than two minutes and doesn't need to be inflated, enabling the amateur sailor to take to the sea in a jiffy.
A small boat, measuring a bare 1m70, but being able to buy a boat for a few hundred that's priceless!
Ar Vag is more than just a project since it has already sailed, even though it was on Lake Geneva, until it gets out into the open sea!!!
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